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Complete Set of Plans for
Building Permits & Retroactive Permit Process

City Building Permit is a legal permission to perform an improvement or upgrade to an existing building, or to build a new structure. The purpose is ensure meeting the minimum standards for construction practices and minimum safety standards. 

Failure to obtain a permit can result in fines, penalties, and demolition of unauthorized construction if it cannot be made to meet code.

The new construction must be inspected during construction and after completion to ensure compliance with estate codes including its amendments and the city code of ordinances.

When a Building Permit is required: Any project that involves additions or major changes to your home's structure or its mechanical systems usually require you to apply for an appropriate permit from the local building department.

Building Without Permit: It is not a good practice to try and bypass the official permit process. Possible issues include:

  • When you try to sell your house, the buyers’ inspection may uncover remodeling or additions that were done without proper permits and which may not be completely up to code. This can prevent you from selling the house and may require that you undo the previous work and start again—this time with a permit.

  • In the event of a fire, structural collapse, or major plumbing problem, if it is discovered the mishap is the result of work that was done without the benefit of permit or inspections, it's possible your homeowner's damage and liability policy may decline to cover the damage.

Retroactive Permit Process means a permit applied for after the development, use, or activity has occurred, generally to bring such development, use, or activity into compliance through code enforcement.
Drawing a project in its as-built condition (an existing floor plan) and as it will be reconstructed (a proposed floor plan) in accordance with building and zoning codes.

We have a comprehensive service to fix the Notice of Building Code Violations for:
Detached, attached or internal Accessory Dwelling Units "ADUs", garage to living space conversions and any other home improvement addition without City Building Permit.

CAD drawings and REVIT 3D Models. we develop 3D models for different structure types or customer needs.

Part of Set of  Plans for
Bathtub to Shower Conversion

Part of Set of  Plans for Bathtub to Shower Conversion

Converting a Bathroom Tub to Shower
Existing and Proposed
Floor Plans

Part of Set of  Plans for Bathtub to Shower Conversion
Part of Set of  Plans for Bathtub to Shower Conversion - Before and After

No Matter How Big Your Project is 

Design & As-Built Measured Drawings... Contact us

Anchor 1 Services
Retroactive Permit

California General Building Contractor License #889469

©2023 Global Solutions 

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